1. Intercultural Training:
Country: Italy
→ As an example my intercultural training for Italy normally includes the following topics:
1) Geographical and historical reasons for specific cultural traits
2) Differences between German and Italian cultures
3) Intercultural training; an introduction to body language
4) Intercultural training; No Go's
5) Cooking tips or another general topic to emphasise cultural differences
2. Foreign assignment/Sales project activity
Countries: Italy/France/Spain/Germany
• Supporting opening up new sales avenues or joint ventures
• Negotiating deals
• Product presentations in Italian/French/English
• Organising events with European partners
• Strategic planning
3. Company culture and coaching
• Coaching sales personnel/ Office and field sales force
• Cultural awareness training: Ensuring that those who need it have the knowledge to work effectively internationally
• Transfer of culture: Company culture transfer from HQ to the subsidiaries (Mono/Multi/Mixed culture strategy)
4. International Personnel Management and Development
• Assessment centre for employees from or for Italy
• Developing requirement profiles
• Determining KPI
• Coaching for customer service personnel (complaints/sensitive discussions)
5. Additional Services
• Translations German/Italian
• Support for visits to the authorities